
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

God Has Faith in You

I know I've posted these quotations before, but I feel that thier general theme regarding God's faith in our ability to mend our ways is appropriate for Yom Kippur:

כי־אבי ואמי עזבוני
ויהוה יאספני
תהלים כ״ז:י

"Though my father and mother abandon me,
The Lord will take me in."
- Psalm 27.10

"Even if I were so depraved that my own mother and father would abandon me to my own devices, God would still gather me up and believe in my ability to mend my ways."
- Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch
in his commentary on Psalm 27

"Well, my daddy, he didn't leave me much, you know he was a very simple man, but what he did tell me was this, he did say, son, he said... he say, you know it's possible to become so defiled in this world that your own father and mother will abandon you and if that happens, God will always believe in your ability to mend your ways."

May you all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a year that is everything you dream it to be!

Note: This post contains the name of God. If you print it out, please treat it with the proper respect.


existentialist said...

Hi Eli, thanks for this encouragement. I will look up Yom Kippur in the Jewish encyclopedia.
I wish I knew why my father rejected his Jewish religion. His decision has really brought me a lot of suffering.
I just read the book of Lamentations and would like to know what you know about it. I will be emailing you. Thanks for being here.

Johanna in Paradise said...

Hello friend,

I didn't get "my" song. If I didn't, I lost it.

I can't wait to hear it. Something about hearing your name in a song I guess.

There was a song in the 80's..."JoAnna, I love you" didn't pronounce the "H"

Thanks a million.


The background image on this page is a Hebrew translation of the verse from Bob Dylan's song  It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), from which the title of this blog is taken. Translation courtesy of Yoram Aharon of Hod-HaSharon's page--found via YudelLine-- which has many Dylan lyrics in Hebrew.