Vox Pop
Last night I had my ukulele playing stage debut at the Vox Pop open mic night. I played an original song, which I have actually yet to record (using a revised version of lyrics posted here earlier) and had a great time listening to the other artists present. At the end of the evening myself, Tony III (and family) and the Buffalo Poets (MOOSE!) took part in a free form jam session on guitar, harmonicas and voice.
I highly recommend Vox Pop's open mic night. They have a very relaxed, accepting, friendly atmosphere & serve damn good coffee and tea!
I oughtta kick ya butt...you were at Vox Pop and didn't tell me?
I go to the bar around the corner on Coney Island Avenue almost every other week.
Granted, I did have plans last night, and Vox Pop doesn't exactly jive with my right-of-Atilla-the-Hun politics, but I'd have loved to have seen you nonetheless.
DOH! It completely slipped my mind that it was in your neck of the woods.. sorry. It was a last minute thing for Tony's wife's b-day (I only knew about it on Thursday). Since we all had a good time I'm sure we'll be back that way soon (there was talk of next Sunday, but no confirmation). I'll give you a call/email/smoke signal when I know for sure.
And I know what you mean about the politics of the place. As liberal as I can be, it was almost too left wing for me. But then I tend to lean toward moderate-ism (is that a word?!)
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