I don't know if its the jet-lag or the excitement/stress of my first day of classes starting tomorrow (I'm lucky enough not to have any tuesday classes!), but its 2am and I cannot get to sleep to save my freakin life... That morning minyan, not to mention the 8:20 Hebrew class, is going to come mighty quickly...
Guess I should have come and said hi when I was wound up last night... Oh well. Reading Klein as its usual soothing self, and I did get to sleep before 1 at least...
oh, 1am is nothing... my usual bed-time is between 12:30-1:00am.. fortunately I did manage to get some sleep around 4am this morning. Fortunately my first class isn't until 10:20, so I could sleep in a little. Hopefully I won't fall asleep during Dr Gampel's lecture :)
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