
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Your Own Deeds Determine Your Fate

בשעת מיתתו [עקביה בן מהללאל]... [בנו] אמר לו, אבא, פקד עליי לחבריך. אמר לו, איני מפקד. אמר לו, שמא עוולה מצאת בי. אמר לו, לאו; מעשיך יקרבוך, ומעשיך ירחקוך.
ממשנה: מסכת עדייות ה.ז

In the hour of his [`Aqaviah ben Mahalale'el] death... [his son] said to him, "Father, commend me to your colleagues." He replied to him, "I will not commend you." He said to him, "Have you found in me any wrong?" He replied "No. Your own deeds will cause you to be near [to my colleagues] and your own deeds will cause you to be far [from them].

- from the Mishna: Ediyot 5.7


The background image on this page is a Hebrew translation of the verse from Bob Dylan's song  It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), from which the title of this blog is taken. Translation courtesy of Yoram Aharon of Hod-HaSharon's page--found via YudelLine-- which has many Dylan lyrics in Hebrew.