The Six Weird Things Meme
Erica was kind enough to tag me in the "six weird things about me" meme (ok, so I begged her to tag me, so what?). This wasn't as easy as I though it would be. Especially since, like Erica, I don't think of myself as weird, though others surely do (You know who you are). Here goes:
- I collect action figures and toys. Mostly Superheros (Batman primarily), Corgi's Batmobile line and McFarlane's Baseball figures (Yankees, of course). This is weird amongst most "normal" people. But I'm also weird amongst collectors in that I actually take them out of the packages and play with them on occasion (I'm still a kid at heart!)
- I read academic books for fun. People who know that I love to read often ask me what I read for fun outside of classes or during breaks from school. They are often surprised to find that I actually enjoy reading academic books on history, religion and philosophy. I don't think its weird, because if I didn't enjoy those subjects, why would I be studying them? But its here because I know some people find it odd.
- I wear Hawaiian shirts. In public. Often.
- I find women with freckles very attractive. Especially if they have freckles on their shoulders.
- I love the sound of bagpipes and have several CDs of Scottish Bagpipe music that I listen to when the mood strikes me.
- I wear a kippa (yarmulke) with a NY Yankees logo on it.
Interesting! I don't think I've ever seen a yarmulke with the NY Yankees logo on it!
Freckles.... I had them when I was younger, now they're mostly just here or there but very rare. :)
I hope I never do see a kippah with a NY Junkees thing on it, as I may be compelled to violate the mitzvah of not striking one's fellow Jew.
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