While searching for a few pictures for a friend (which, of course, I still can't find!!) I ran across this little gem. Its me getting ready for West Albany High's annual Toga dance in 1989: And lest anyone get the impression I was actually "cool" in high school, the dance was put on by the West Albany Latin Club, of which I was a proud member.
I seem to recall attending a toga party when I was in high school. Thankfully no photos seem to have survived over the years.
Love this post...moreover, I admire your courage in posting it.
You have minus zero percent body fat.
Ha! I only wish that were still true! .. At that time I weighed somewhere around 105 lbs. When I joined the Army in '91 I was nearly UNDER-weight.. I put on ten pounds before I shipped out to basic and another 15 or so while I was there! .. I actually had trouble keeping weight on for the longest time... but THAT problem has vanished in recent years *L* But I have my memories...
i never would have mistaken you for cool in high school, but then i was right there with ya. haha!
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