Wild Horses, Part II
Just recieved this from Amy Nelson of Folk Uke and wanted to pass it on. Its related to the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, which Amy and her Dad are campaigning for and which I've blogged about before.
On September 7, 2006, the House of Representatives voted 263 to 146 in favor of H.R. 503, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, to end the slaughter of horses for human consumption and the domestic and international transport of live horses or horseflesh for the same purpose.
From left to right: Amy Nelson, Paula Nelson, Raelyn Nelson Sweeney, and Johnny Irion (appearing courtesy of his wife/band, Sarah Lee Guthrie) at Capitol Hill singing Wild Horses in support of The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (H.R. 503/ S.1915) on Sept. 5th, 2006.
The fight is not over. Please begin calling your Senators immediately to ask that they cosponsor S. 1915, the Senate companion bill.
General Switchboard number 202-224-3121. Just tell them your state and to please connect you to your Senator's office.
Once Congress goes into recess (Oct. 6th), there will be an opportunity for people to meet with their Senators.
Of course, letters help too. There are people fighting us on this. We need as much help as we can get.
Find your Senators: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators _cfm.cfm
Reasons the Senate should pass The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act:
• The majority of Americans support an end to horse slaughter for human consumption.
Polls from Kentucky, Virginia, Texas, and Utah respectively show that 82, 74, 72 and 69 percent of those questioned oppose the practice. In California, a 1998 ballot initiative (Prop. 6) banning horse slaughter for human consumption passed with 60 percent of the vote.
• Our economy does not profit from this industry. Since the profits go overseas, these companies avoid paying federal income taxes. Taxpayers payed $5 million to inspect the three U.S. slaughterhouses last year.
• Slaughter is not humane euthanasia. Over 90% of horses killed are young and in good health; and there is nothing humane about the process. Frightened horses are not as easy to control as cattle, making accidents and injury a common occurence for both humans and
• Horses not specifically raised for human consumption are treated daily with products such as fly spray, wormers, hoof dressings, etc. These products have labels severely warning against use on animals used for food.
• These horses are not "unwanted", rather, they are "for sale". In fact, many are stolen. Many more are sold to slaughterhouses at closed auctions. The potential problem of overpopulation can be avoided with responsible breeding.
• It is in the best interest of all companion animals that the line is drawn here and now.
WAIT....there's more. It's a new letter from Dad. By the way, thanks for bearing with us. I know this doesn't have much to do with Folk Uke. We're not going to get all political on you. Of course we are a folk band. Hmm...
Thanks for understanding. Love, Amy
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Dear friends,
I just adopted 11 horses from Habitat for Horses. As of this morning, they share the land with me at our ranch in Luck, TX.
Today there are 270 horses up for adoption through this great organization that goes to great lengths to save horses. As you are aware, there is a bill on its way to the Senate that will ban the slaughter of American horses for human consumption. Until it passes, many lives are in grave danger. If you have ever wanted to adopt a horse, now is the time. If you ever wanted to contribute to a great cause, Habitat for Horses sure fits the bill.
Please contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1915). For more info on the bill, go to www.saplonline.org.
For more information about adoptions, visit www.habitatforhorses.org.
Willie Nelson
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