
Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Chassidic Rebbe Name Generator

From The Chassidic Rebbe Name Generator:

You are very wise, humble and pious, John...
from this day forward you will now be known as the holy Reb Shlomo Zalman Yisraely Leys of Smolevichi , also known as the 'MarioBrother Rebbe' let your chassidish adventures begin, your talmidim are waiting!
or using my Hebrew name:
You are very wise, humble and pious, Eliyahu...
from this day forward you will now be known as the holy Reb Yechezkel Kalman ben Avraham vaSarah of Domanovo, also known as the 'BoysBander Rebbe' let your chassidish adventures begin, your talmidim are waiting!


The background image on this page is a Hebrew translation of the verse from Bob Dylan's song  It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), from which the title of this blog is taken. Translation courtesy of Yoram Aharon of Hod-HaSharon's page--found via YudelLine-- which has many Dylan lyrics in Hebrew.